For many small business owners, blogging and blog content creation tend to be sore subjects. In the busyness of small business ownership, it can be challenging to update and maintain your blog – and when client work is a top priority, creating new blog content is something that can easily fall to the wayside. However, we like to think about your blog content as fuel for your small business – and the sooner you can begin fueling your business for long-term growth and success, the better. 

In earlier episodes, we’ve explored how blog content creation can enhance your Search Engine Optimization… so today, we want to share about a different benefit of blog content creation: how you can successfully and strategically monetize your blog to earn more revenue on behalf of your business.

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How to Monetize Your Blog

Welcome to Episode 168 of the Brand It, Build It Podcast: How to Monetize Your Blog. 

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Now, why should you consider monetizing your blog? Your blog content serves as the ‘arms and legs’ of your website as a whole. Through your blog content creation, your business can be discovered organically via search engines, or via pins on Pinterest. This increased traffic can and should do more by creating conversions – helping your visitors confidently choose to purchase your products, book your services, or take some other sort of meaningful action, such as subscribing to your newsletter funnel. Of course, there are a wide variety of approaches for monetizing your blog — and we’re excited to explore a step-by-step approach today. Like many decisions and endeavors in small business, you’ll likely discover a few foundational pieces worth putting in place before beginning your blog monetization journey. 

  1. First, identify and understand your audience and your niche. Who is reading your blog, and how can you curate content with your audience in mind? Understanding your audience’s needs, goals, and preferences is crucial for monetizing your blog, because by doing so, you can create content that resonates with your readers and leads your readers toward purchasing your products or booking your services — or you can connect with advertisers and sponsors who align with your brand and meet your readers’ needs too. 
  2. Build a strong brand. Your blog is not only about the content you create; but also the experience you create for your readers. From your brand details to your blog design, you have the power to create an engaging, user-friendly experience for your readers. When you do, you can ensure your blog design effectively leads and guides your readers toward engaging with your blog content and business further. 
  3. Determine the monetization methods you’re going to pursue and prioritize. Just as relying on one revenue stream in business can be risky, relying solely on one monetization method can be risky, too. Explore multiple methods for generating revenue from your blog. If you feel comfortable with directing readers away from your website, you might explore affiliate links, sponsored blog posts, becoming part of a blog ad network, or selling ad space. If you’d rather keep readers on your website and engaging with your business, you might explore creating a digital product, offering services, or creating a membership community. When you diversify your monetization methods, you diversify your revenue streams and maximize your earning potential.  
  4. Create compelling blog content consistently. Consistency is key in blog content creation. Regularly publishing high-quality, engaging content not only keeps your readers returning, but also demonstrates to prospective advertisers and sponsors that you consistently create value for your audience. Demonstrate your expertise, provide value to your readers, and maintain a consistent posting schedule to build credibility and establish yourself as an authority in your unique niche.
  5. Partner and collaborate strategically. Partnering with like-minded brands and fellow bloggers can open doors to new opportunities and expand your reach. Look for collaborations that align with your blog’s mission and values, and don’t be afraid to pitch ideas to brands or reach out to other bloggers for potential partnerships. Collaborations can help you reach new audiences, gain exposure, and grow your monetization potential.
  6. Engage with your audience. Building a loyal and engaged readership is essential for blog monetization. Respond to comments, engage on social media, and create a sense of community surrounding your blog and business. Engaging with your audience strengthens relationships.
  7. Track and analyze your metrics. To effectively monetize your blog, understand the performance of your content and the behavior of your audience. Utilize tools like Google Analytics to track key metrics such as page views, bounce rate, average session duration, and conversion rates. This data will provide valuable insights regarding which blog posts or blog post topics resonate most with your audience — and which monetization methods are yielding the best results.
  8. Leverage social media marketing. Social media marketing offers a powerful avenue to promote your blog, engage with your audience, and attract potential collaborations. Identify the social media platforms where your target audience is most active and develop a strong presence there. Share your blog posts and engage with your audience to expand your reach. After all, growing your blog readership is about what you do on your blog and what you do with your blog. 

Today, we explored a step-by-step approach for monetizing your blog, as well as a variety of ways you can monetize your blog effectively and strategically. What takeaways can you apply to your business? Thanks for tuning in! 

About Brand It, Build It Podcast, Hosted by Kelly Zugay

Hosted by Kelly Zugay, co-founder of With Grace and Gold, The Brand It, Build It Podcast is a leading small business marketing podcast for small business owners, creatives, and founders. Weekly, brief, actionable episodes will equip you to build a successful, sustainable small business. Since 2014, With Grace and Gold has provided award-winning custom brand and Showit web design and completely customizable Showit website templates for small businesses worldwide.

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