If we were to wave a magic wand over a web design, what would we do to instantly create a more elevated, polished, and cohesive design? That’s exactly what we’re exploring in today’s episode, where we’ll share 10 actionable ways to instantly elevate your web design.

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Instantly Elevate Your Web Design - Brand It Build It Podcast by With Grace and Gold

Instantly Elevate Your Web Design

Welcome to Episode 173 of the Brand It, Build It Podcast: Instantly Elevate Your Web Design.

Perhaps the details of your web design don’t feel quite cohesive – or perhaps you’re feeling as though your web design isn’t quite aligned with your business, vision, and goals. While we wholeheartedly believe in the power of journeying through a Custom Brand and Web Design Experience to ensure every detail of both your brand design and web design is rooted in purpose and strategy, if you’re looking for a quick solution to get you by, or you’re simply waiting for your custom design process to get started, these 10 actionable recommendations can equip you for success in the meantime! 

  1. Pare down creative details. For an elevated web design, less is more. While creative details can create a fun or detailed experience, sometimes paring down those details actually helps to enhance their impact. If their are extra embellishments that don’t necessarily enhance your visitors’ experience or make the process of learning about your offerings easier, consider paring down those creative details.
  2. Use more neutral tones from your brand’s color palette. While it’s definitely possible to have a colorful and elevated web design, a colorful web design can sometimes read as youthful. To elevate your web design, use more neutral tones from your brand’s color palette and use colors more as accents or fine details. When you do, you can still maintain a colorful, fresh web design – but in a more elevated and polished way.
  3. Embrace white space. White space refers to the negative space or blank space above, below, or between content areas within your web design. Increasing the white space within your web design can instantly make a major difference in how your website, and therefore your business, are perceived. Experiment with increasing white space, and see how much easier your content is to digest and journey through.
  4. Curate your copywriting. Every business is unique and every circumstance and approach is unique – however, sometimes, too much copywriting can be perceived as your web design trying to convince your visitors to book with you, whereas a curated amount of copywriting can be perceived as your web design exuding confidence, clarity, and ease.
  5. Update your photography. Could your brand photography or the photography in your Portfolio be more cohesive, elevated, and curated? Take a moment to update the photography used within your web design, and notice how your design transforms.
  6. Double-check all links. Broken links may not only lead your visitors to leave your website and continue their search for a different business in your field, but they can also communicate a less elevated aesthetic. Comb through every detail within your web design and ensure all links are in working order.
  7. Create a user-friendly navigation menu. We are big believers in how a simplified navigation menu – one that leads your visitors toward the key, revenue-generating areas of your business — can create a more elevated aesthetic. Pare down the links in your navigation menu, use traditional page names, and ensure your menu sets your visitors up for success.
  8. Ensure blog content is up-to-date. Up-to-date blog content lets your visitors know your website, and therefore your business, is current and up-to-date. Blog your frequently asked questions, blog educational resources for your audience, or blog your recent work.
  9. Create clear calls-to-action. When a visitor reaches the bottom of each page, what type of action should they take? What should they do next? Including a clear call-to-action elevates your web design, because you are effectively serving your visitors and equipping them for success as they seek their next step.
  10. Lower barriers for contacting you. Contacting you and getting started should be an easy and seamless thing to do, especially for visitors of your website. In your website’s footer or on your Contact page – or both – share a few ways for your visitors to contact you and connect with you. Of course, these communication methods should be aligned with your business and values. As an example, don’t include your phone number if you don’t want unexpected or unscheduled phone communication with your clients. However, including an email address, form, and social media links could be a great starting place.

Today, we explored 10 actionable ways to instantly elevate your web design. We are so hopeful these recommendations equip you for success. Thanks for tuning in!

About Brand It, Build It Podcast, Hosted by Kelly Zugay

Hosted by Kelly Zugay, co-founder of With Grace and Gold, The Brand It, Build It Podcast is a leading small business marketing podcast for small business owners, creatives, and founders. Weekly, brief, actionable episodes will equip you to build a successful, sustainable small business. Since 2014, With Grace and Gold has provided award-winning custom brand and Showit web design and completely customizable Showit website templates for small businesses worldwide.

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