Whether you’re a photographer, a designer, or any type of creative small business owner, your online presence plays a meaningful role in how you and your business are perceived. Having a professional, cohesive, and clear visual presence is key to connecting with your audience, and ultimately, guiding your audience toward confidently purchasing your products or booking your services. Today, I’m excited to not only share why professional headshots matter — but also what types of brand photos you can ask for from your photographer to equip you for success!

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Why Professional Headshots Matter

Welcome to Episode 190 of The Brand It, Build It Podcast. I’m your host, Kelly Zugay, and today, I’m excited to explore why professional headshots matter — as well as what types of brand photos you can ask for to equip you for success!

Why do professional headshots matter?

  1. First Impressions Matter: Studies have shown that people form first impressions quickly, often within seconds of seeing a photo. A professional headshot can convey a sense of professionalism and competence, helping to create a positive first impression.
  2. Brand Image and Credibility: Professional headshots contribute to building a strong brand image. They can enhance the credibility of small business owners, making them appear more trustworthy and reliable in the eyes of potential clients or customers.
  3. Personal Connection: A professional headshot can humanize a business and make it more relatable. Clients and customers often appreciate being able to put a face to a name, fostering a sense of personal connection.
  4. Social Media Engagement: Profiles with professional headshots tend to attract more attention on social media platforms. People are more likely to engage with content that includes a high-quality image, potentially leading to increased visibility for the business.
  5. Consistency Across Platforms: Professional headshots provide a consistent and cohesive visual identity across various platforms, such as business websites, social media profiles, and marketing materials. This consistency helps reinforce the brand and makes it more memorable.
  6. Competitive Advantage: In competitive industries, having a professional headshot can set a small business owner apart from the competition. It signals a commitment to professionalism and attention to detail.
  7. Networking Opportunities: When attending networking events or industry conferences, a professional headshot on business cards or promotional materials can make it easier for others to remember and recognize the business owner.
  8. Increased Confidence: Having a professional headshot that reflects confidence can boost the business owner’s own confidence. This can positively impact interactions with clients, partners, and colleagues.

Where can your headshots be used?

  • Your Web Design: Professional headshots can be used in your web design — from your About page to your Blog sidebar, or even infused throughout your web design as a whole depending on your website’s strategy and approach.
  • Social Media Profiles: Consistency using your headshots across diverse social media platforms helps to build a strong, recognizable brand.
  • Email Signature: Every email you send is an opportunity for someone to connect with you visually. From your personal emails to your email newsletter, including your headshot can help foster connection.
  • Podcast Cover Art: If you host a podcast, consider using your headshot in the cover art. Doing so adds a human element to your audio presence.

What types of photos should you ask your photographer for?

  1. Team photos. Gather your team together for team or group photos. These team photos can help to establish credibility and showcase your team in a professional and personal way.
  2. Professional headshots. Capture individual, professional headshots for each individual team member. That way, each team member will not only be showcased with their unique biography, but each team member will also have a headshot to use across their unique channels: their social media profiles, LinkedIn, their email signature or their business card.
  3. Conversational or meeting photos. Capture photos of team members talking with one another, or photos of you speaking with a prospective client. These action photos — photos of team members meeting with one another, or photos of speaking with prospective clients — can help to showcase what you do in an engaging, personal way.
  4. Action photos or on-the-job photos. If you’re a photographer, consider capturing photos of yourself photographing a wedding. If you’re a wedding planner, consider capturing photos of you creating a mood board, or putting the finishing touches on a tablescape. If you’re a brand designer, consider capturing photos of you sketching brand elements. These action photos or on-the-job photos help to build credibility and trust.
  5. Detail shots or stock photos. Detail shots can be especially helpful for use within your web design or social media. Images like your hand styling a mood board, holding a coffee mug, or even holding your laptop or clipboard can serve as really helpful photos to have on hand. They can be used for blog post featured photos, on social media, or within your web design as a whole. Having your own, branded stock photos can set your business apart.

I am so hopeful this week’s episode equips you to confidently book a brand photography session and come away with headshots and brand photos you feel proud of — photos designed to help you seamlessly connect with and serve your audience. Thanks for tuning in!

Brand It, Build It Podcast, Hosted by Kelly Zugay

Hosted by Kelly Zugay, co-founder of With Grace and Gold, The Brand It, Build It Podcast is the best small business marketing podcast for small business owners, creatives, and founders. Weekly, brief, actionable episodes will equip you to build a successful, sustainable small business. Since 2014, With Grace and Gold has provided award-winning custom brand and Showit web design and completely customizable Showit website templates for small businesses worldwide.

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