The holidays often bring on a sense of hustle and bustle — both in our personal lives and within our small businesses. It natural to get caught up in the whirlwind of holiday sales and holiday activities, but we believe it can be extremely helpful to approach the holiday season with intentionality, too. Today, we want to share 5 ways to market your business and offerings with purpose during the holiday season — how to foster connection, build community, and grow your business with purpose and without exhaustion.

Market with Purpose During the Holiday Season - With Grace and Gold - Brand It Build It Podcast by Kelly Zugay - Showit Web Designer - 2

Market with Purpose During the Holiday Season

Welcome to Episode 188 of the Brand It, Build It Podcast: Market with Purpose During the Holiday Season.

Before we dive in, I want to share about With Grace and Gold’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale: At With Grace and Gold, we’ve debuted an all new, completely-free Showit website template called Samantha Kay. In addition, all Showit website templates are 50% off using code THANKS, which means you can begin customizing your new Showit template for just $150. Visit to download our new free Showit template, Samantha Kay — or to take advantage of our biggest sale of the year, with all Showit website templates on sale for 50% off using code THANKS.

Now, let’s dive in. As small business owners, the holiday season can be an especially busy season. Personally, we’ve found the holiday season can be challenging for small business owners, because it’s a season that calls for rest and time with loved ones — but it also tends to demand so much from small business owners. That’s why, today, we want to share 5 ways to market with purpose during the holiday season.

  1. Create a vision for your holiday season. Like all goals for your small business, begin with the end in mind. What does your ideal holiday season look like personally and professionally? What type of schedule do you hope to have over the holiday season? What action steps do you need to put in place and execute in order to have the holiday season work for you rather than against you? When you create a vision for your holiday season, you can bridge the gap between expectations and reality, and ensure your holiday season is one you envision and enjoy.
  2. Plan sales and promotions in advance. We believe one reason the holiday season tends to be busier and more stressful for small business owners is because of the many new tasks in need of completion, to prepare for once-a-year sales and promotions. Plan your holiday sales and promotions in advance, so you know exactly what needs to be created and when it needs to be created by. When you give yourself advance notice, you can work backwards and ensure products, content, and marketing are created day by day, rather than week-of or even day-of.
  3. Batch your tasks. Batching your tasks will allow you to create content when you are feeling most creative and most strategic. Dedicate specific times for writing newsletters, creating social media content, or sending personal emails. When you do, you can ensure you’re creating the highest quality content to align with your audience’s needs, to foster connection, and to build community.
  4. Automate as much as possible. Use systems like FloDesk, Planoly, Planable, and Tailwind to automate your content marketing. That way, you can ensure all of your marketing is planned, scheduled, and automated — and you can experience greater peace of mind during the holiday season.
  5. Set time limits for engaging on social media. We tend to post on social media in the morning and engage on social media in the afternoon, closer to the end of our business day. When you set time limits for engaging on social media, you can ensure your social media accounts are managed — but that you don’t delay other tasks or experience burnout while you do so.

Today, we shared 5 ways to market your business during the holiday season! We are so hopeful today’s episode will equip you to enjoy a productive and restful holiday season!

Once again, at With Grace and Gold, we’ve debuted an all new, completely-free Showit website template called Samantha Kay. In addition, all Showit website templates are 50% off using code THANKS, which means you can begin customizing your new Showit template for just $150. Visit to download our new free Showit template, Samantha Kay — or to take advantage of our biggest sale of the year, with all Showit website templates on sale for 50% off using code THANKS.

About Brand It, Build It Podcast, Hosted by Kelly Zugay

Hosted by Kelly Zugay, co-founder of With Grace and Gold, The Brand It, Build It Podcast is a leading small business marketing podcast for small business owners, creatives, and founders. Weekly, brief, actionable episodes will equip you to build a successful, sustainable small business. Since 2014, With Grace and Gold has provided award-winning custom brand and Showit web design and completely customizable Showit website templates for small businesses worldwide.

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