Two weeks ago, we introduced our Summer Slowdown Series — a four-part series about using your summer or your slow season with purpose… from curating a conversion-driven website to creating a luxury client experience. In Episode 121, we shared how to pinpoint your slow seasons and plan for your slow seasons accordingly, and in Episode 122, we shared how to create a conversion-driven website. This week in Episode 123, we’re sharing how to multiply your website traffic for good — the tried and true approach we have used at With Grace and Gold to exponentially grow our website traffic and experienced continued growth over time. 

Website traffic refers to the people or users who visit your website — and the traffic you bring to your website matters for a variety of reasons. Not only do we, as small business owners, want our prospective clients to discover and explore our website and business as a whole, but increased website traffic can lead to increased brand awareness and help to boost Search Engine Optimization. So, let’s explore how you can multiply your website traffic with purpose — how to bring the right visitors to your website, so your business can experience meaningful growth.

How to Multiply Your Website Traffic for Good - Brand It Build It Podcast - Best Marketing Podcast for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs With Grace and Gold

How to Multiply Your Website Traffic for Good

Welcome to Episode 123 of the Brand It, Build It Podcast: Multiply Your Website Traffic for Good. When serving our clients at With Grace and Gold, one question we often receive is: Once my design process is complete, how can I ensure people learn about and visit my website? The truth is, though your web design creates an awesome and purpose-driven foundation and online space for your business, it will require work for people to learn about and visit your website — at least at first. 

You might be thinking, “I need to focus on the products and services my business has to offer rather than focus on growing my website traffic.” The tips we’re sharing today allow you to do both. These strategic, actionable tips for growing your website traffic allow you to work both on and in your business — to ensure your website is expanding its reach over time. 

We believe website traffic growth happens from the inside out — through a strong and purpose-driven website, so our first recommendation is to ensure the foundation of your website is rock solid.

  1. Ensure the foundation of your website is rock solid. When creating a web design, we believe organization is key. We put ourselves in the shoes of your prospective clients and aim to create a really seamless, engaging, and user-friendly experience. From having a clear and well-organized navigation menu to ensuring the content of each page leads visitors toward booking your services, organization can make all the difference.

    Where similar content can be combined — for example, About, Our Team, and Our Mission can all be condensed and included on a single About page — we do so, to ensure your visitors can find all of the information they are looking for in as few clicks as possible. Creating a user-friendly experience will keep visitors engaged with your website and confidently exploring and clicking from one page to another — which is helpful not only from a user experience standpoint, but also from a Search Engine Optimization standpoint. The longer a visitor spends on your website, the better!

    Ensure your headings help to answer the questions of who you are, what you do, who you serve, and if your business is location-bound, where you serve. Often times, less is more, so keeping the content of your website clear and concise can make all the difference.

    Lastly, ensure all the links within your website are in working order. Linking between pages within your design — for example, creating a call-to-action on each page leading leads visitors to your Services page or to your Contact page — can create a user-friendly and conversion-driven experience.

    When the foundation of your website is rock solid, you can ensure your website is answering essential questions, creating a user-friendly experience, and equipping your visitors to connect with you and your business in a meaningful and lasting way.
  2. Create blog content regularly and enhance every post with Search Engine Optimization in mind. We like to think of the foundational pages of your website (Home, About, Services, Portfolio, and Contact) as the body of your website — and think of your blog posts as the arms and legs of your website.  While the foundational pages of your website can make a difference, your blog posts allow your website to cast a wider net for discoverability, and in turn, reach a wider audience.

    If you are on the fence about blogging, know your blog can make a meaningful difference for your business. Blogging can help you to showcase your expertise, share your recent work in a more personal way, and serve your audience more openly and freely.

    If you aren’t quite sure what to blog about, here are a few ideas. (Note that each of these blog post ideas allows you to create content that works for you, on behalf of your business!)

    – Think about the frequently asked questions you receive as a small business. Focus on one of those questions per blog post, and share your expertise and approach with your audience. These blog posts can serve two purposes: to help you create more blog content, and to provide a place where you can point prospective clients to should any questions arise.

    – Blog about your past work or past clients you’ve served. Whether you recap their experience while working with you, or you interview your past clients to share more about their experience, your blog can offer a more detailed look at your past work than your Portfolio may. Chances are, you planned to curate those photos and videos to add to your Portfolio. Why not add them to a blog post, too? These blog posts can serve three purposes: to help you create more blog content, to showcase your recent work in a more personal, conversational, and detailed way than in your Portfolio, and to share with your past clients who may go on to share the blog post with their personal network.

    – Blog about your favorite or recommended resources for your prospective clients. If you serve couples through photography, blog about posing, outfit choices, or location choices. If you serve fellow business owners, blog about your favorite business resources. These blog posts can serve two purposes: To help you create more blog content, and to serve as an educational resource for your prospective clients, which in turn, helps to build your credibility and can create a more trusting relationship with your blog readers.

    As Showit users, we use WordPress for our blog post creation. As WordPress users, we use a plugin called Yoast SEO to enhance every post with Search Engine Optimization in mind. As we compose our blog post, the Yoast SEO plugin lets us know how our blog post can be further strengthened for enhanced SEO. It may let us know our blog post needs to have more words, or it may let us know we need to include more links within our post. This plugin has made all the difference in helping us confidently know our blog content is working on behalf of our website, and therefore, our business.
  3. Share each blog post you publish on social media regularly. Every time you publish a new blog post, share your blog post on social media — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok — focusing on the platform or platforms where your audience can be found.

    It’s natural to want to be present across all social media platforms, but we recommend focusing on the platforms where your prospective clients or customers can be found. That way, you are focusing your efforts on the platforms most likely to convert your audience members to readers, clients, or customers.

    Share each blog post not only on the day it is published, but also in the future. When you write evergreen blog content — content that is relevant to readers no matter the day or time of year — your posts can be shared in the weeks, months, and years that follow. As an example, if you write a blog post about your Top 5 Favorite Business Tools, that blog post will be relevant no matter the time of year — and you can confidently share a link to that blog post with readers anytime.

    Our favorite social media scheduler is called Planable, because it allows you to schedule your social media posts across nearly all social media platforms. Further, with just a click, you can schedule the very same posts to be shared monthly in perpetuity. By using Planable, or any other social media scheduler of your choice, you can batch all of your social media scheduling in one sitting and rest easy knowing that links to your website and blog are being shared consistently. 
  4. Pin a Pinterest-friendly graphic for each blog post you publish. Pinterest is more of a search engine than a social media platform — so we also recommend creating a Pinterest-friendly graphic for each blog post you publish. When you pin your graphic to Pinterest, you expose your pin, and therefore, your blog post link, to millions of Pinterest users.

    We recommend Canva for graphic creation — and Tailwind for Pinterest pin scheduling, so you can pin and re-pin your content, and better equip your re-pins to multiply. 
  5. Seek to have your website linked to from other dependable websites. When your website is linked to from other dependable, high-quality websites, not only does your discoverability improve, but your Search Engine Optimization is also enhanced.

    Seek to have your business listed in a dependable business directory, or seek to be interviewed on blogs or on podcasts. The more places and the more ways in which your website can be accessed, the better! 

We are so hopeful these 5 action steps equip you to multiply your website traffic for good — helping you work efficiently and effectively on behalf of your business. 

Tune in next week for Part 4 of 4 of our Summer Slowdown Series: 5 Luxury Client Experience Essentials. If you’ve been considering breaking into the luxury market, or positioning your business in an elevated, personal, and inviting way, next week’s episode is for you. 

About Brand It, Build It Podcast, Hosted by Kelly Zugay

Hosted by Kelly Zugay, co-founder of With Grace and Gold, The Brand It, Build It Podcast is a leading small business marketing podcast for small business owners, creatives, founders and entrepreneurs. Enjoy weekly, actionable episodes to build a successful, sustainable small business from the inside out.

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