Two weeks ago, we began a new 3-part series called “The Small Business Owner’s Guide to SEO.” Part 1 shared a foundation of information about Search Engine Optimization — answering questions like “What is SEO?” and “How does SEO work?” Part 2 shared ways to build and enhance your SEO within your website — ways the details of your web design, and your website as a whole, matter. So, today, in Part 3 of our series, we’re going to explore actionable ways to enhance your SEO — ways you can grow from the foundation you’ve established since Part 2. 

The Small Business Owner's Guide to SEO - Part 3 of 3 - With Grace and Gold Brand it Build It Podcast

The Small Business Owner’s Guide to SEO: Part 3 of 3

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve discussed Search Engine Optimization from a foundational level — what SEO is, why SEO matters for every small business owner with a website, and how the decisions you make about your website can help your business to be discovered through an online search. It’s not only the details within your website that matter — but it’s also the action you take when using and marketing your website that can make a difference.

Today, let’s explore a few actionable ways you can enhance your SEO:

  1. Use and update your blog. While the foundational pages of your website like Home, About, Services, Portfolio, and Contact can serve as a strong base, your blog can help you to expand your reach. We recommend for every small business owner to have a blog, because blog posts are like an extension of your website, and when people click to and read your blog posts, their visits can be helpful for your Search Engine Optimization. Further, when visitors click to read your blog posts and then continue exploring your blog posts and website as a whole, their engaged exploration of your website serves as a signal to Google and search engines that your website is a dependable resource and should therefore be prioritized in search results. That’s why writing helpful, customer or client-focused content can make a big difference for your SEO. Whether you use your blog posts to document your past clients’ experiences or you share content to educate your prospective customers or clients — using and updating your blog consistently can help lead visitors to your website. Squarespace offers built-in SEO fields for every post you publish, and WordPress offers a plugin called Yoast SEO which allows you to choose an SEO Title, Description, and Keyword for every post you publish. With a combination of helpful content and the SEO resources behind every post you publish, your blog can expand your reach and build your SEO. 
  2. Create share-worthy content and market your content consistently. Once again, the visits your website receives matter. That’s why it’s important to create share-worthy content and to market your website and your blog posts consistently across your chosen social media platforms. When your marketing efforts are consistently leading visitors to your website, those visits and visitor experiences matter. Pinterest is great platform for marketing your share-worthy blog content, because your visits can multiply when Pinterest users re-pin your pins. As always, it’s essential for your website to attract quality visits — and not just a high quantity of visits. Therefore, getting your content in front of your target audience on the right platforms for your unique business matters. 
  3. Receive Inbound links from dependable places. Inbound links which are also known as backlinks or external links are the links that point from another website to your website. When a dependable website such as a business directory links to your website, the Inbound link to your website lets Google know your website is dependable, reputable, and worthy of being prioritized in search results. Whether you are interviewed by a podcaster or listed in a business directory, having links from other dependable, high-quality websites to your website can make a difference for your Search Engine Optimization. 

We are so hopeful this guide to SEO, our 3-part series about Search Engine Optimization, equips you to understand and build your SEO. Your website is worthy of being discovered by your audience, and these foundational tips can make a big difference!

About Brand It, Build It Podcast, Hosted by Kelly Zugay

Hosted by Kelly Zugay, co-founder of With Grace and Gold, The Brand It, Build It Podcast is a leading small business marketing podcast for small business owners, creatives, founders and entrepreneurs. Enjoy weekly, actionable episodes to build a successful, sustainable small business from the inside out.

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