Blogging has played a major role in our business journey. It has allowed us to form meaningful connections with others on the Internet – also known as “Internet Friends!” It has allowed us to process the ins and outs of small business ownership week after week, month after month, and year after year. It has allowed us to share our expertise, to serve other creative women in business.
Over the years, we have written hundreds of blog posts. We have done our best to write “evergreen” content – content that serves creative small business owners no matter the day, month, or year. That way, the content we create can be repurposed or reused in the future. We never wanted our old content to remain unread, which is why, today, we’re sharing 3 ways you can repurpose your old blog content!
3 Ways to Repurpose Old Blog Content
- Share past blog content on social media. There are a variety of tools – like Buffer or CoSchedule – which allow you to schedule the sharing of your old blog content for a future date. For a long while, we used and loved Buffer. Both of these tools allow your old blog content to be shared and re-shared on social media, with just a little bit of work and preparation! This way, the content you’ve written – a long time ago or a short time ago – can live on, on social media. Pinterest is another great place to allow old content to continue to flourish. Create pin-able graphics for your blog posts, and then use Tailwind to share and re-share your pins.
- Share past blog content in your newsletter. Your newsletter is another great place to re-share your blog content. You can review your top blog posts from the previous month, or simply share old blog posts relevant to your newsletter topic. Whatever path you choose, your newsletter is an awesome place to repurpose your old blog content and serve your audience well.
- Share past blog content within future blog posts or within your blog. Your blog design can also allow old content to be repurposed or shared in fresh, new ways. Maybe you have a “related posts” plugin which allows other blog posts to be showcased. Maybe your blog design showcases top posts, recent posts, or trending posts. Your blog design can highlight old blog posts in fresh, new ways.
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